Attendees: Mary, John, Dana
Date: 11/22/2020
Dana: Are our Guardians present?
Guardians: We are with you, greetings.
John: Greetings! How are you today?
Guardians: We dwell in joy.
(In each of our sessions, the Guardians finish a phrase by guiding the marker to a number. Lately, it’s been the number 8. In this session, they moved the marker to the 9. It’s come to our attention that the number often represents another being or contingent who has joined the session.)
John: Welcome to the new member for this session.
Guardians: This guest has joined this session in anticipation of certain questions you may pose.
John: Do you have any messages for us before we begin with questions?
Guardians: Questions are appropriate.
John: What do you foresee for our society in the coming months, and do you have any specifics regarding us that you can share?
Guardians: Your race is at the point immediately before the divergence of two major timelines. We anticipate that your world will remain energetically aligned with this preface point for some time as the energetic structure of this point encompasses all the necessary energies and messages needed to make the timeline choices very clear to all earth humans.
John: Please continue...